Spy Phone Pro
This is the advanced version of our Spy Phone, Designed for Law Enforcement.
It may look like a regular Nokia Cellular phone, however this Super technology goes beyond its standard capabilities.
It operates as a normal cellular phone - but when the phone is called in on a special "Spy" mode (from anywhere in the world) it (the Spy Phone Pro) will automatically answer without any ringing or lights coming on, and the display stays the same as if it is on a "Standby Mode". While on the "Standby mode" it will pickup the sounds nearby and the ACTUAL Cellular CONVERSATION and transmit them back to you (the caller).
Features :
• - Enhanced audibility, during Spy Mode the microphone level is increased to 24 dB. •- Key-scanning when in SpyMode. - Remote software destraction of the entire telephone program - making the phone useless in case it is necessary. - Spy Calls are Not logged in the callers memory. ••- Receive detailed SMS notification includes vital parameters for tracking location process (MEI, IMSI, Cell Location, and battery status).
To assure the retrieval of the phone should it be necessary, there are 2 options :
1) Changing the brightness of the display (remotely) making the phone practically unusable. 2) Denying all incoming calls to the Spy Phone Pro except when you call inn on the "Special" mode.
* At this time the only model we have is the Nokia 6100 - NO other models are available. ** Except for Law Enforcement, this item is not for sale in the United States. *** For General questions & answers Click Here.
Spy Phone Pro Item : LAW-2027-2 ----------------------------- Price : $ 3,700.00